Because of the rapid technological progress of the 21st century, we are probably standing on the brink of some big changes. “We are getting very close to the moment when we will achieve digitalisation of creation and soul, therefore becoming immortal. Perhaps that is what opening the gateway to the immortal world of the God means,” says Daniil about the concept of the exhibition.
Daniil Logovoi was born in 2003. He has always been interested in art. While studying at the Tallinn Linnamäe Russian Lyceum school, he attended drawing and art hobby groups at the primary school level. He has won awards from many student competitions. Past the hobby group age, Daniil started independently learning and practicing street art. After finishing the secondary school, he had no doubt that his future will be in the art and he began his studies at Tartu Art School. He is now on year three and has taken part in several art projects on his own as well as in collaboration with the school. Daniil’s exhibition at tARTu gallery is his first solo exhibition.