NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The exhibition on the attic of the gallery is a joint exhibition of textile students, created under the supervision of Eva Jakovits within the framework of contemporary textile art. The exhibition works are about finding and shifting personal boundaries.

Physical, more or less visible, boundaries separate the spaces in which we are located, determine how we are and live there. Personal boundaries, however, are invisible but strongly felt internally. You don’t always know where such a limit is until it’s already exceeded.

A set limit is not only a restriction, but also a means of reorganizing the world, which helps to separate one’s foreign, known unknown, safe danger.

Participants: Maarja Kaasik, Lisette Laanoja, Arabella Lippur, Kairi Palm, Maria Pilm, Liisi Tamm, Inger Tammela, Andrea-Martha Teesaar, Maria Volk. Curator: Eva Jakovits.

Gallery name: Gallery Pallas

Address: Riia 11, Tartu

Opening hours: Tue, Thu-Sat 11:00 - 18:00, Wed 10:00 - 18:00

Open: 27.11.2020 - 19.12.2020