The works of Vello Vinn (1939) form a noteworthy example of the oeuvre of an Estonian printmaker from the late 1960s and early 1970s, and they boast a holistic and emphatically unique image system. Vinn’s highly original visual world is grounded in his mastery of various printmaking techniques, delicate treatment of images and witty associations. The artist’s play with space and images, his ability to notice details and different levels of meaning offer the public unique viewing experiences. Besides playful images, his works present witty wordplay and warm absurd humour. Through original imagery, the artist has addressed all of the topical issues of his time, including global military conflicts, the environmental impact of a technology-centred world, and the estrangement accompanying urbanisation. He has done this through major philosophical generalisations which still ring true.
In order to show how Vello Vinn’s oeuvre has impacted Estonian art and visual culture, his works in this exposition have been placed in a dialogue with artworks of younger authors, which have mostly been created specifically for this exhibition. Mihkel Kleis displays paintings, prints and graphic designs that have been inspired by the symmetry and science-fictional images of Vinn’s illustrations. Lilli-Krõõt Repnau combines traditional printmaking techniques with contemporary dystopias. Kristina Õllek’s installation stems from Vinn’s work Rockets (1971), moving from the themes of Jules Verne’s science fiction to present-day marine studies. In his paintings Kiwa has exploited the technique of conceptual error. Kiwa and Ragnar Neljandi have created a joint installation to amplify the principle of symmetry: the spaces and images in their project acquire a life of their own in endless reflections. Krista Mölder’s photo series shows how open and fragile unframed sheets can be. The graphic designer Brit Pavelson has received inspiration from the verbal part of Vinn’s oeuvre.
Artists: Vello Vinn, Kiwa, Mihkel Kleis, Krista Mölder, Brit Pavelson, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Kristina Õllek
Curator: Elnara Taidre
Exhibition design: Raul Kalvo, Helen Oja
Graphic design: Külli Kaats
Layout of the illustration wall: Brit Pavelson
The exhibition and the book publication are supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
We thank Raili Vinn, Andreas Trossek, Jüri Hain, Triin Tulgiste, Ave Leidmaa, Francisco Martínez, Marika Agu, Heli Hinto, Villem Valme and the Temnikova & Kasela Gallery.
Gallery name: Kumu exhibition spaces
Address: Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1, Tallinn
Opening hours: Tue, Fri-Sun 10:00 - 18:00, Thu 10:00 - 20:00
Open: 14.02.2020 - 09.08.2020