NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In January TYPA gallery is waiting for you to visit Varvara Tokareva's calligraphy project "NON DUCOR DUCO". The concept of the project envisages writing one phrase on a large piece of paper every day with a giant brush. Within 30 days, when Varvara's exhibition in the gallery will be completed, those interested can also observe the work process.

This artistic approach is closely related to meditation and yoga, where the same patterns must also be constantly repeated. Endless repetitions emphasize the message and through that increase its value. Handwriting is important, also an important part of the project is the craft, which points to the power of repetitive movements. It’s like a ritual or a magic dance.

The project calls attention to everyday activities in today’s chaotic and accelerating society. It refers to masters of pictographic poetry (such as the Polish artist Stanisław Dróżdż and the US-based Barbara Kruger), but also to the Russian avant-garde of the early 20th century (such as the poet Vasily Kamensky and the artist El Lissitzky) .

Gallery name: Estonian Print and Paper Museum

Address: Kastani 48f, Tartu

Opening hours: Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 07.01.2021 - 31.01.2021