“Revolution of the bigs” (2004, directors René Reinumägi and Jaak Kilmi) is a youth comedy taking place in 1886 summer camp of secondary school students building brigade. The shooting of the movie took place in the summer of 2003 in Southern Estonia. Along with the actors, 500 youngsters were chosen from the castings from all over Estonia. The cast camped next to the set for several weeks. The shooting period was intense and lasted throughout the days and nights under the hot sun and heavy rain.
During the exhibition, two discussion evening will be organized. On 1st of August a discussion “Is it fun to protest for the climate?” lead by Madis Vasser (Estonian Green Movement, Extinction Rebellion) and Tiiu Lausmaa (Fridays For Future). On 4th of September a discussion “How to protest – from, Pariis (1968) to Wall Street (2011)” lead by Marek Tamm (Tallinn University) and Tarmo Jüristo (Praxis).
Gallery name: Outdoor Gallery
Address: Telliskivi 60A, Tallinn
Open: 11.07.2019 - 10.09.2019