NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The exhibition of the City Museum “Unfit Tallinn” talks about the desires of the people of Tallinn and the taboos that accompanied them through time. Urban sexual behavior and prostitution in Tallinn are observed from the 15th century to World War II.

The exhibition “Indecent Tallinn” tells primarily about the periphery of satisfying sexual desires – not so much in relationships, but in prostitution, erotica and pornography in the history of the city. The visitor is introduced to different aspects of Tallinn’s “obscene” life – what is meant by fornication, how prostitutes lived and worked in different eras and who were the prostitutes. It also looks at how prostitution was regulated at different times, what sexually transmitted diseases spread and what pornography of different eras was.

Gallery name: Tallinn City Gallery

Address: Harju 13, Tallinn

Opening hours: Wed-Sun 12:00 - 19:00

Open: 08.06.2021 - 02.04.2023