NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Is handwriting a vanishing skill? Can we get more information and emotion from handwritten text than reading the same thing on screen or in print? What happens when you link a brush lettering to a painting, as the ancient masters of China and Japan did?

Literary artist Rein Maantoa exhibits virtuoso calligraphy, Tuuli Puhvel plays more freely with writing, combining it with watercolor and collage. Eero Ijavoinen, with his roots in Järva County, adds some light landscape types.

All three artists live and work in Tartu, Tuuli and Rein are lecturers at the Art College of Pallas.

Gallery name: PA MT (Paide music and theatre house)

Address: Pärnu 18, Paide

Open: 22.11.2020 - 08.01.2021