NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The exhibition "Miracle Story" will feature oil paintings by Tiina Ojaste, which have been born in the last few years.

Some of the paintings presented in the exhibition were born during the current mood, with one breath. The other part of the paintings, where 10-15 layers of paint, each of which has had to dry for a few weeks before adding the next layer, is therefore like time capsules of Tiina’s thoughts, mood and feelings. Where did life begin? The big question, however, is how to find the right answer? Can there be several different or related answers?

Each painting in Tiina Ojaste’s exhibition “Miracle Story” could be considered as different answers to the questions given through the combined effects of colors, shapes and motifs. Each of the pictures is a small story about miracles, where everything is possible.

Gallery name: Võru Linnagalerii

Address: Liiva 13, Võru

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 12:00 - 18:30

Open: 02.11.2020 - 07.01.2021