The topic “Books of the Senses” was developed by the students in a brainstorming process: they wanted
to relate to people’s senses or states of mind so that the form of the book would support the content. The
second work should have used classical printmaking techniques, but the unexpected emergency situation
in the middle of the semester confused many plans. Everyone’s senses were filled with new worries,
technical equipment was locked behind school walls, life moved from paper to screens. Thus, home
isolation and pandemic pressures became a new topic for many.
Participating in the exhibition are third-year students of the Department of Graphic Art Daana-Loreen Kägra,
Liisa Tammert, Liis Tedre, Hanneleele Kaldmaa, Jelizaveta Kukoleva, Elis Raud.
Supervisors Eve Kask and Lennart Mänd.
Curator Maria Izabella Lehtsaar.
The exhibition will be open until January 2021
Gallery name: EKA Gallery
Address: Põhja pst. 7, Tallinn
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 12:00 - 18:00
Open: 04.11.2020 - 01.01.2021