NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The aim of the exhibition is to bring to the audience the work of three brilliant young fashion artists and the background of the material becoming art. Karl Christoph Rebane, Sandra Luks and Karl Korsar, these three artists are united by characterization: young, rebellious, pioneering.

In the exhibition, the gallery will bring to visitors an exhibition of fashion art, which was born through a deep conceptual approach to the theme and was born as a symbiosis – environment-body-pattern-material. There is a certain coherence between the items of clothing, accessories and materials designed and created by the artists, which has inspired the artists to play with an external form in favor of a new solution and function. This cannot be done without physical or cognitive contact with the material being created. The exhibition presents visitors with innovative and exciting details that enrich the field of body covering and clothing.

Attic hall on the 3rd floor

Curator: Karin Kiigemägi

Gallery name: Evald Okas Museum

Address: Karja 24, Haapsalu

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 17.07.2021 - 05.09.2021