NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

On Friday, 5 June at 5 p.m. Juss Heinsalu’s personal exhibition “Surface View” will be opened in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House.

“Surface View” is an installation-based setting presenting patterns, topography and fractal relations. It gathers together various works that convey the artist’s wide interest in clay and its uses. Heinsalu treats clay-patterns as embedded material language, essence and memory; as knowledge of a specific site, its formation and environment. While moving through the range of scale within the works, the sense of time and micro-macro relations are being altered. Monumental gallery displays silk screened clay-prints, ceramic elements, video-works of enlarged particles and much more.

Heinsalu adds: “Merging mythological narratives and folklore, scientific hypothesis as well as my own studio practice, in recent years I have taken the embodiment of life within clay as a core idea for my creation processes. Observing clay in all possible ways and conditions, I try to understand the capacity of becoming within mineral matter. I am not satisfied with knowledge simply about the past, but curious of what could be, the imagined. It brings forth speculation and fiction. We experience multiple worlds simultaneously, one of them being constructed from the potential of silicon compounds.”

Juss Heinsalu (b 1991) studied ceramics at the Estonian Academy of Arts and received his MFA at NSCAD University in Nova Scotia, Canada. Heinsalu deals with material-based research and creation, and is one of the organizers of the Kohila Symposium. Previously, he has actively participated in various projects and exhibitions across Europe and North America. This is his first personal exhibition in Tartu.

Thanks from the artist for the support of this exhibition: Estonian Artists’ Association, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Kohila Educational Center, Kulla Laas, Urmas Lüüs, Tartu Art House and Tanel Asmer, Puidutohter OÜ, the department of Printmaking at NSCAD University, Glass Art department and Prototyping Lab at Estonian Academy of Arts, artist’s family.

The exhibition will remain open until 28 June.

Gallery name: Tartu Art House Monumental Gallery

Address: Vanemuise 26, Tartu

Opening hours: Mon, Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 01.06.2020 - 28.06.2020