NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The exhibition “State” introduced by the gallery (AV17) presents ten well-known sculptors from Lithuania and their most recent artworks. The list of featured artists includes Gediminas Akstinas, Danas Aleksa, Jonas Aničas, Nerijus Erminas, Tauras Kensminas, Petras Mazūras, Rimantas Milkintas, Rafal Piesliak, Mykolas Sauka, and Marija Šnipaitė. These artists represent different generations; several of them are recent graduates of Vilnius Academy of Arts, while others are well-known artists already established in the Lithuanian art scene. All of them are united by their conceptual work pursuing new forms of expression in sculpture. The exhibition of contemporary sculpture presented in the territory of cultural heritage not only allows to get acquainted with the diversity of the sculptural object, but also creates an unexpected connection with the place which cherishes history. It also provides an opportunity to look at the manor and its territory from a different point of view.

The artworks presented are created using different and specific sculpture techniques, each of which uniquely reflects today’s reality, as well as the sense of uneasiness prevailing in it. The changing norms of the society encourage tackling and questioning the traditions, while the uncertainty and attempts to adapt to the new order create the feeling of tension and fragility. This exhibition reflects the world as a place where human habits and their position become unclear, whereas the relationship with such a place has to be reconsidered over and over again.

The project is supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

The exhibition of contemporary sculpture presented in the territory of cultural heritage – Panemune castle park of Vilnius Academy of Arts – not only allows to get acquainted with the diversity of the sculptural object, but also creates an unexpected connection with the place which cherishes history.

Visit the exhibition in 3D:

Gallery name: Artifex (Vilnius Academy of Arts)

Address: Gaono St. 1, Vilnius

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 16:00

Open: 05.11.2020 - 30.11.2020