Silent beauty reveals the aesthetic interchange between Nordic and East Asian art in the 1900s, with special focus on the years after the Second World War. The meditative presentation shows paintings, graphics, ceramics and textile art by Japanese, Swedish and Finnish artists. The aesthetics of the works are reduced and dynamic: geometric shapes, refined colours and material feeling are recurrent characteristics. The artist represented in the exhibition include among others Helene Schjerfbeck, Einar Jolin, Eddie Figge, Berndt Friberg, Wilhelm Kåge, Gunnar Nylund, Shoji Hamada, Ufan Lee, Kyllikki Salmenhaara, Key Sato, Samiro Yunoki and Ingegerd Råman.
Silent Beauty is organized in collaboration with Ateneum Art Museum in Helsinki.
Gallery name: Waldemarssude
Address: Prins Eugens väg 6, Djurgården, Stockholm
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11:00 - 17:00
Open: 15.02.2020 - 16.08.2020