NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Galleri Magnus Karlsson is pleased to announce a presentation of new paintings by Susanne Johansson in the reception of the gallery. The suite of works, Signs of Time is on view until December 19.

This series of small paintings are observations of different events during the changing seasons in different parts of the country. From the low January light, to the fleeing shadows on an abandoned billboard in high summer sun, the worn Painted Lady that seems to have landed forever on the house wall, the wintry road to the lake, the cracked spruce in the thin greenery just before midsummer, a lone deer like a shadow in the high summer night, a sunset over a newly clear-felled landscape.
–Susanne Johansson

Susanne Johansson was born 1969 in Stråkanäs outside of Kalix, Sweden and lives in Uppsala, Sweden. She was educated at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm (1992–1997). Since then she has exhibited regularly and she is represented in numerous collections, museums and institutions in Sweden and internationally. Selected exhibitions include Fullersta gård, Huddinge, Sweden (2019), Uppsala Konstmuseum, Sweden (2018), Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Stockholm, Sweden (2017, 2015, 2012, 2009. 2007, 2004, 2002 & 1999), Volta NY, New York, US with Fred [London] (2011), Fred [London], UK (2010), Konsthallen/Kulturens Hus, Luleå, Sweden (2007), Feigen Contemporary New York, US (2006), Prague Biennale 2, Czech Republic (2005), M’ars Center for Contemporary Art, Moskva, Russia (2005).

Gallery name: Galleri Magnus Karlsson

Address: Fredsgatan 12, Stockholm

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 12:00 - 17:00, Sat 12:00 - 16:00

Open: 01.12.2020 - 19.12.2020