NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The first screensaver of the gallery is opening on March 1, Art Nõukas' "isolation is the simplest method of modifying the internal processing of humans", will be opened. The video work will remain on the gallery window 24 hours a day until January 3.

In the 1960s, NASA funded an experiment to teach dolphins English. The sci-fi project of the space age was hoped to gain experience that would help us find common ground with extraterrestrial beings in the future. As part of the experiment, volunteer Margaret Howe Lovatt lived in complete isolation with the dolphin Peter for two months. Although dolphins did not learn to speak in a human way, they proved to be extremely intelligent and empathetic creatures. Being isolated can therefore bring out completely new and surprising qualities in us. How will humanity discover itself at the end of this isolation?

Art Nõukas works with sound, video and installations, which often deal with the relationship between a moving image and its viewer. His room-specific works await the visitor’s intervention or depict moments when he has just left. Graduated from the Department of Installation and Sculpture of EAA. Selection of exhibition projects: “Lost and Found” gallery gallery (2017), group exhibition “Põhja pst 35” in EKKM (2016) and “Why this game for us?” with Helena Keskküla at Hobusepea Gallery (2016).

The March 1 gallery is a temporary art space in Tallinn’s Old Town, characterized by nomadism, process-basedness, temporality, tactical media practices and contrasting pairs of terms private vs. public and shop vs. exhibition. During the two months, four exhibitions will take place in the art space, between which screensavers created by various artists will be displayed in the shop window.

The work of the project space is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment, Rüki Gallery, Valge Kuup, EKKM.

Gallery name: 1. march gallery

Address: Väike-Karja 12, Tallinn

Open: 21.12.2020 - 03.01.2021