NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Cycles of production and consumption amplify the environmental trouble pulsating throughout the planet. Ghosts from modernity, imbued with human-centric desires for progress and novelty keep haunting landscapes, our bodies and minds, shaping current ways of life and being. Narva Art Residency’s annual exhibition 2021 Point of No Return. Attunement of Attention turns to the entanglements of life and death in times of ecological distress.

Artists: Saara-Maria Kariranta, Hans Rosenström, Marit Mihklepp, Felipe de Ávila Franco, Alma Heikkilä, Hannah Mevis, Pia Arke, Juss Heinsalu, Manfred Dubov, Flora Reznik, Sissel Marie Tonn, Melanie Bonajo, Anne Noble, Nina Schuiki, Vera Anttila, Sepideh Ardalani, Sandra Kosorotova

Exhibition curators: Saskia Lillepuu & Ann Mirjam Vaikla
Film programme curator: Piibe Kolka
Education programme curator: Kerttu Juhkam

The international group exhibition brings together works by 17 artists in the historical Kreenholm district, home to what once was the largest textile mill in Europe. The artworks encourage prolonged attention to human and other-than-human beings, rhythms, and worlds, in order to sense our shared vulnerability and interconnectedness, without which we would not be here.

The public programme of the exhibition starts in mid-May. The artist’s film programme, curated by Piibe Kolka, takes place over two weekends in June. The exhibition tours are led by the curators Saskia Lillepuu and Ann Mirjam Vaikla (in Estonian and English) and by the youth of Narva (in Russian) who are participating in the education programme. The education programme accompanying the exhibition was established in early autumn 2020 and is curated by Kerttu Juhkam.

Information regarding the public programme will be announced on NART’s webpage and social media.

Project manager: Marju Tajur
Exhibition design and installation: Valge Kuup Stuudio
Graphic design: Jaan Evart

Supported by:
Cultural Endowment of Estonia, British Council Estonia, Nordic Culture Fund, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Ministry of Culture, NomadIT, Tallinn Art Hall, Stroom Den Haag

Gallery name: NART

Address: joala 18, Narva

Opening hours: Mon, Sat 11:00 - 17:00, Fri, Sun 12:00 - 19:00

Open: 03.05.2021 - 20.06.2021