NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The Juhan Kuus Documentary Photography Centre presents the first comprehensive exhibition of Estonian street photography titled Outlook – 40 Years of Street Photography in Estonia.

The exhibition gives an overview of the Estonian street photography over the last 40 years. The earliest pictures are from the 1980s when Estonia was still under Soviet rule. The show continues with images dating back to early 1990s when Estonia regained its independence and was eagerly absorbing Western cultural influences. Many can easily recognize the street views from the 2000s, by now significantly transformed but still familiar. The timeline ends by photos taken just a few months back, offering unexpected and exciting captures from the streets in spring 2020. As you will see, there is something for everyone. In 40 years, not only the streets look different but we have also changed, as have changed the times, the man and the technology.

The photographers presenting at the exhibition are Aare Leinpere, Aiki Järviste, Ain Protsin, Andres Teiss, Andrii Mur, Anso Matt, Ardi Kivimets, Arno Saar, Aron Urb, Eino Pärnamets, Erko Ever, Eve Toomla, Harald Leppikson, Heiki Sirkel, Heikki Leis, Iris Kivisalu, Indrek Pleesi, Josif Brašinski, Jüri Talts, Kalju Suur, Kalmer Allik, Maiké Tubin, Mark Raidpere, Martin Murusalu, Mati Hiis, Mihkel Ulman, Olev Kõll, Oskar Vihandi, Peeter Langovits, Priit Loog, Rait Tuulas, Reelika Vilt, Sanna Larmola, Sven Ustintsev, Targo Miilimaa, Tiina Kõrtsini, Tobias Tikenberg, Tõnu Noorits, Väino Meresmaa and Ülo Josing.

This exhibition is a collaboration between Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre, Tallinn Museum of Photography and Estonian Street Photography Association.

Curators: Airi Leon, Kristel Aimee Laur, Tanel Verk, Toomas Järvet
Thank you: Aari Lemmik, Frederik Klanberg, Liisa Kivimäe, Ilmar Kurvits, Triinu Mölder, Kaspar Kaur, Jason Värk, Priit Loog, Killu Maidla ja Margit Jõerand (Hektor Container Hotel), Maire Novik (Balmerk Estonia) and all the photographers who sent their work.
Supported by: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Telliskivi Loomelinnak, JOON Taevas Ogilvy, Tikkurila Eesti, Ajar Stuudiod

Gallery name: Dokfoto

Address: Telliskivi 60a/5 (ex-B1), 1 korrus, Tallinn

Opening hours: Wed-Sun 12:00 - 19:00 and by appointment, +372 522 2422

Open: 07.08.2020 - 11.10.2020