“One Hundred Seconds to Midnight” is a collaboration between Musta Kasti and Edward von Lõngus, which premieres together with the opening of Lõngus’ first solo exhibition in Tallinn. The basic material of the production combines the works of the artist and John’s visions from the New Testament book of Revelation. As the idea of Lõngus is to create a sanctuary for the cult of consumption that is different from his works, Must Kast furnishes this chamber with a ritual production that plays with the same theme.
The staging will be performed six times this summer in Tallinn within the framework of Edward von Lõnguse’s exhibition “Cathedral of the Last Day” and Tallinn Biennale in Ülemiste City
Performances: 2. / 3. / 4. / 9. / 10. / 11 July at 21:00
Ticket price 15 € * / 17 €
Gallery name: Tallinn Biennial
Address: Sepapaja 10 , Tallinn
Open: 02.07.2020 - 11.07.2020