NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

“Is it possible to take cover in a society where anonymity no longer exists and our insides are laid bare for all to see?” asks Finnish artist Noora Nio-Juss

Noora Nio-Juss currently resides and works in her hometown, Helsinki. She began her academic path in Tallinn, where she acquired a bachelor’s degree in painting and also met her future husband and father of her children. After a long hiatus, during which she created a family and had four children, Noora continued her studies in Helsinki Art Academy and finished with a master’s in painting in 2017.

Some time ago, Noora started delving into woodcut printing in large and quite labour-intensive formats. Her “patterns” were recognisably painterly, reminiscent of her monotypes and gouache and oil paintings in terms of their themes and expressive power. Her ever-growing consideration for technique has laid way for a more graphic approach. Unique, handmade prints, variations within series, and unusual ways of exhibiting give Noora Nio-Juss’s boldly suggestive woodcuts their own signature feel.

On her exhibition, Covered, she elaborates: “Nature is an asylum, a place to lean into and dissolve, to become an organic part of a whole larger than human society.”

Gallery name: Art Hall Gallery

Address: Vabaduse väljak 6, Tallinn

Opening hours: Wed-Sun 12:00 - 19:00

Open: 15.02.2019 - 21.04.2019