NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Exhibition “Mysticism and Eros” introduces the Tartmus collection through works on sexuality. The museum’s collection includes erotic caricatures, intimate drawings, allegorical and mythological works of sexuality, all of which provide a broad and deep basis for the exhibition. The various authors in the collection have covered sexual themes through mythological, allegorical, and also folkloristic aspects.

The exhibition is divided into sub-topics: enticement, partner searching, prominence, and family and fertility. Archetypal original myths and figures in the art are a great way to discover the rich cultural heritage through a fascinating theme and also to show the depth of the Tartu Art Museum’s art collection.

Curators: Amar Annus, Kadri Mägi
Coordinator: Kristlyn Liier
Education and audience program: Kristel Sibul
Graphic design and exhibition design: Jaan Evart

Artists: Peeter Allik, Peet Aren, Henno Arrak, Otto Dix, Kadi Estland, Hsiui Feng-Ming, Julie Hagen-Schwarz, Andrus Johani, Richard Kaljo, Ott Kangilaski, Markus Kasemaa, Eve Kask, Miljard Kilk, Georg Kind, Johann Wilhelm Krause, Endel Kõks, Allex Kütt, Leonhard Lapin, Ly Lestberg, Kaarel Liimand, Paul Liivak, Lola Liivat, Karin Luts, Ilmar Malin, Uku Masing, Lilian Mosolainen, Peeter Mudist, Tanja Muravskaja, Marko Mäetamm, Marianne Männi, Carl Timoleon von Neff, Valdur Ohakas, Agu Pilt, Varmo Pirk, Kaljo Põllu, Tiit Pääsuke, Kersti Rattus, August Roosileht, Lembit Saarts, Lembit Sarapuu, Ene-Liis Semper, Ülo Sooster, Anton Starkopf, Anna-Stina Treumund, Nadežda Tšernobai, Reiu Tüür, Ado Vabbe, Valeri Vinogradov, Jaak Visnap, Eduard Wiiralt

Exhibition team: Richard Adang, Nele Ambos, Tanel Asmer, Maarika Espenberg, Indrek Grigor, Joanna Hoffmann, Mare Joonsalu, Margus Joonsalu, Annegret Kriisa, Jaanika Kuznetsova, Julia Polujanenkova, Riin Lisett Rei, Olesja Rotar, Anti Saar, Anna Simagina, Peeter Talvistu, Kristo Tamm, Ago Teedema, Urmo Teekivi

Gallery name: Tartu Art House

Address: Vanemuise 26, Tartu

Opening hours: Mon, Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 08.11.2019 - 12.04.2020