NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

2nd year group exhibition of the Department of Jewelery and Blacksmithing of EKA

The group exhibition “Mimikri” of the 2nd year students of the Department of Jewelery and Blacksmithing of the Estonian Academy of Arts deals with issues of differentiation and similarity.

When we need to adapt to a new environment, friendship, or social situation, it inevitably means changing our nature, to the least extent. Where do the boundaries run between necessary adaptation and self-loss? Many animals use imitation successfully to survive, so resemblance is central to almost all human communities. In the end, no idol would have the status of a demigod if there were no one who wanted to be like him.

Jewelery and blacksmithing students understand adaptation and alienation, similarity and differentiation from both a deeply personal and a universal point of view. Anete Meresaar, Hede Kalev, Joonatan Mäggi, Katariina Kriipsalu, Klara Taberland, Kristiina Tang, Kristjan Tammjärv, Madis Mattus, Tatjana Kutsõk, Oscar Nahan and Valdek Laur will participate in the exhibition. The works have been supervised by Eve Margus-Villems and Nils Hint.

Gallery name: ArtDepoo gallery

Address: Jahu 12-213, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12:00 - 19:00 and by appointment, (+372)5648 6874

Open: 11.06.2021 - 22.06.2021