NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

A personal exhibition of Merle Kannus (b. 1972) has been opened at the Rapla County Center for Contemporary Art. You can see a cross-section of the author's work of the last 5 years, in which a person emerges as a central theme - both alone and in relations with fellow species. The exhibition is built on the contrast between loneliness and coexistence, while also looking at the difference between voluntary and forced coexistence.

As a sign of time, the subject is forced separation, which the author finds in the portraits of his friends. The installation “Gray Sky” opens the positive side of loneliness, and the intermediate color gamut of these poles fits into the autobiographical series “Weeds,” “Small Conflicts,” “Premature” and “Where all women are strong, all men are beautiful and all children are above the ridge average . ”

Gallery name: Raplamaa Kaasaegse Kunsti Keskus

Address: Tallinna mnt 3b, Rapla

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 15:00 - 18:00

Open: 04.05.2021 - 23.05.2021