NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Marius Jonutis’ exhibition Medinė (Wooden) will be opened on June 3 at the gallery Meno Niša. Traditionally, for sixteen years Marius Jonutis has been presenting his new exhibitions at Meno Niša every spring. However, with quarantine having messed up the plans, the exhibition had to be postponed. Before, if Marius Jonutis’ exhibition used to announce the beginning of spring, this time it will bring us all summer.

According to Marius Jonutis, it is always difficult for him to come up with a name for the exhibition, because he has all kinds of works – it is never just one kind of cycle on one topic. So this time the artist decided to put on a Wooden Exhibition because … it is wooden.

“When you fall out of your comfort zone, you want to do things that you cannot easily do. Without having a workshop, you want to cut sticks and do something with them, albeit wet or cold, but for some reason, you need to do it. Some call it creativity, for me it is work,” said the artist.

One of the larger works in the exhibition is called Fence. M. Jonutis does not have a final version of this work because before the exhibition there is not even a place to install the whole Fence. Thus, both the artist and the visitors will see the final result only in the gallery Meno Niša. “When I come up with an idea, I allow myself to take it and implement it, without taking to heart the structure of the world, justice or injustice in it, looking around, looking inside, how it is or how I would like it to be,” the artist said.


Jonutis graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts, majoring in graphics. Since 1989 he has been participating in exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. M. Jonutis has organized over 50 exhibitions together with the artist N. Marčėnaitė, and over 60 personal exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. The artist mainly creates paintings, graphic works, relief paintings, sculptures; he has written and illustrated books Mėlyna Žalia, Kirminas paukštis, Tavo pirmoji knyga apie skraidymo meną, Slibinas Jurgis ir kitos istorijos.

The gallery is sponsored by Vilnius City Municipality.

Gallery name: Meno niša Gallery

Address: J. Basanavičiaus g. 1/13, Vilnius

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 12:00 - 18:00, Sat 12:00 - 16:00

Open: 03.06.2020 - 03.07.2020