NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

urrent exhibition by Lilli-Krõõt Repnau and Helen Tago focuses on a specific space-time in a gallery environment. This is a three-dimensional site-specific graphic installation that through the concept of dark matter analyzes the constantly changing, irrational world. Present exposition serves as a dialogue between two artists, primarily made by fragile and ephemeral objects. In order to perceive an environment, one has to create a world of one’s own and to contemplate these initial elements through simplified schemes of perception in a specific gallery space.

Ernst Öpik has stated: „Material objects come into being, disappear and arise again. This is the rhythm of the physical world that controls everything that cannot be measured, weighed or timed. Yet, there is something inside of us that has no measure nor weight: our consciousness, that „self” that is similar to all other „selves” and yet different in each individual. Isn’t this the drop of the Consciousness of the Big Space or an atom? The only existence of our knowledge, the primary reality that we never have doubts for; our only gate and window through which we perceive the world.”.

Gallery name: Hobusepea gallery

Address: Hobusepea 2, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon, Wed-Sun 11:00 - 18:00

Open: 27.02.2019 - 18.03.2019