NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The fonts in the exhibition have been designed at the Pallas College of Art in 2005–2019. The typography courses led by Mart Anderson focus on practical activities, which result in new typewriters on a computer. In total, more than 170 fonts have been created under his guidance. About a quarter of them are in the exhibition. The choice has been made on the principle that the overall picture should be as diverse as possible. In total, you can see the works of 36 authors in 42 fonts. Kruusing said that this is an exhibition that is definitely worth seeing, because typographic exhibitions are rather an exception in Estonia. It is also very interesting and strong work.

Gallery name: Haapsalu kultuurikeskus

Address: Posti 3, Haapsalu

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 15:00

Open: 30.05.2020 - 28.06.2020