A ceramic object can be many things. For Kjell Rylander the field of clay is a dialogue partner. A language tool. Rylander’s intentions and thoughts on the exhibition are about trying to reach relevant artistic expression with the clay for our time. He is interested in the material properties and expressions of the clay and the reflective process. Such as. In what way can he understand the clay or a work in clay? To interpret or read, to create value, but value for whom? And on whose terms? Rylander thinks that the clay itself has a fantastic value, because of its age. Is the clay spirited and gifted with powers? Sometimes I wonder what the clay thinks of me? he says. To help his thoughts in this process, he puts together materials with methods that he thinks can help thoughts to move, towards something
Kjell Rylander (b.1964) lives and works in Stockholm and Oslo. He is currently Associate Professor of Ceramic Art at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway. Rylander holds an BA and MFA in Ceramics from Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, Sweden, in addition to education at preparing art schools. From 2009 to 2012 Rylander was a research fellow in the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Program. Connected with Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Dept of Specialized Art, he was also a member of the interdisciplinary research project Creating Art Value, funded by the Research Council of Norway. Rylander´s works have been exhibited internationally and acquired by, among others, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway, The National Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm, Sweden, KODE, Art Museums of Bergen, Norway, The Röhsska Museum of Fashion, Design and Decorative Arts, Gothenburg, Sweden, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum i Trondheim, Public Art Agency Sweden and The Ceramic Art Museum in Fuping China.
Gallery name: Galleri Format Oslo
Address: Rådhusgaten 24 N-0151, Oslo
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 12:00 - 17:00, Sat-Sun 12:00 - 16:00
Open: 12.03.2020 - 28.06.2020