NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

You can see Kaupo Kikkas' video and photo installation SFÄÄR-20 in Okapi Gallery It is a reactionary work that summarizes the author's vision for 2020.

… atomic nucleus, gravity, irresistible force, otherness, unknown secret.

Black roots that have been waiting a hundred years in the ground. Now they are out of the darkness like black hardened members. As a sphere that has no weak point as the only geometric shape.

“I have long wanted to work with spatial material in addition to audiovisual media, the long introduction has been the project” Treescape “, where I work with old wood and photo media at the same time.”

“SFÄÄR-20 is my first sculpture. It seemed to me that there was an unprecedented number of things this year that we did not want in our lives, which is why the destruction of the sculpture became part of this concept. This is how the recordings in the video and photos are displayed for viewing. ”

The exhibition SFÄÄR-20 will remain open at OKAPI Gallery until February 18, 2021. The gallery is open Mon-Fri 11 am-6pm, Sat 11 am-4pm, P-T closed. Free entrance.

SFÄÄR-20 consists of a video, six photos and one object.

Gallery name: OKAPI gallery

Address: Niguliste 2, Tallinn

Open: 20.01.2021 - 18.02.2021