NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

By weaving together drawing, ceramic, concrete products and found objects, the exposition constructs a wandering narrative about the longing to be elsewhere and creating fictional worlds into your everyday. The exhibition invites you to a swift sensory journey, in which a comforting familiarity that comes with previously perceived objects and phenomena is mixed with playful scenes of imagination.

Where do you go when days blend into one, when nostrils are longing for spring?
Where do you go when slipping into reverie?
cutting through bushes
sticking to the path
going by curves and angles
muddy diagonals on sprouting grass

Ann Pajuväli

Ann Pajuväli (1990) has graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts with a MA degree in Graphic art. In her practice she combines drawing and three- dimensional objects that have grown out of the former, thus creating images and environments with different spatiality. By abstracting items of the real world, but maintaining the familiarity of universal forms, she plays on the boundary of recognition and the unknown.

Misa Asanuma (1994) is an artist from Japan, currently based in Tallinn. Asanuma mainly works with photography, ceramics and other ready-made objects. Regardless of the kind of medium, her core interest is in simple observations and rediscovery of everyday. She plays around with objects and images which could be seemingly banal, to reveal uncanniness, peculiarity and subtle humor layered in ordinary perspective.

The Exhibition is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Exhibitions in Hobusepea gallery are supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture and Liviko Ltd.

Ann Pajuväli

Sündinud 1990 Tallinnas

2017  Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, vabad kunstid, MA
2015  Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, graafika, BA

2018  „Põrkepinnad ja pehmed maandumised“, Draakoni galerii, Tallinn
2016  „SAMA“, EKA galerii, Tallinn, koos Ahti Sepsivartiga, kuraator Maria Helen Känd

Valik grupinäituseid
2020  7. Artishoki biennaal „KOOPIA“, Kai kunstikeskus, Tallinn, kuraatorid Laura Linsi,
         Roland Reemaa
2020  „Sarnasus kontakti kaudu. Graafika, grammatika“, Tartu Kunstimaja ja EKA
         Galerii, kuraatorid Liina Siib, Maria Erikson
2019  „Nagu ülal, nõnda ka all“, MAMY, Jerevan, Armeenia, kuraator Gudrun Koppel
2019  „Post Winter Mixtape“, Temnikova & Kasela galerii, Tallinn, kuraator Lilian Hiob
2017  „Drenaažsüsteemide vaatlustorn barokklillas“, Galerii Mihhail Pirita-Kose, Tallinn,
         kuraator Madli Ehasalu
2017  Eesti Kunstiakadeemia lõputööde näitus „TASE’17“, Noblessneri sadamalinnaku
         Valukoda, Tallinn
2017  „Jooneülene ruum“, Hobusepea galerii, Tallinn, juhendajad Liina Siib, Margit Säde
2016  „Tundmatuse piir“, SUVA Sukavabrik, Tallinn, juhendaja Andres Tali

2017  Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Noore Kunstniku preemia (MA)


26.9.1994 Kanagawa, Japan
+372 58476514
+358 417494858

2018–…      Estonian Academy of Arts, MA in Contemporary Art
2016-2017  Tartu University. As a visiting student in Literature department
2013-2018  Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan. BA in Arts and literature department

2020  Kosminen Salonki Helsinki, Finland. Sales group exhibition
2020  Tranquil Playground, Totan, Tokyo. Group exhibition with Jaakko Suomalainen and
        Sayo Nagaba
2019  In Praise of Smallness, Lõputu elu galerii, Tallinn. Solo exhibition
2019  Seen as Unseen, EKA gallery, Tallinn. Duo exhibition with Liina Leo

Work experience
February 2020–… Rooftop Press Helsinki, Finland. Production intern
October 2018–January 2020 Lugemik Bookstore Tallinn, Estonia. Shop assistant

Language: Japanese (native), English (fluent)

Gallery name: Hobusepea gallery

Address: Hobusepea 2, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon, Wed-Sun 11:00 - 18:00

Open: 25.02.2021 - 17.05.2021