NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Does maintaining the autonomy of art and setting boundaries contribute to the free development of art in a limited social space? It is not art that changes the social system, but the system does so with art, trying to deprive it of its autonomy. Losing the autonomy of the arts would mean the end of a democratic society. Isolation from society. There is already embalming, over and over again, endless renewal, either at the same level or at a different level. Autocrat. Autodidact. Car cinema. Self-portrait. Car. Pop and dada.

Painting by Ivar Kaasik from 2019-2021. The combination of paintings contrasts with the artist’s two projects, which took place in Berlin and Munich. This exhibition is about image autonomy. The main question is to maintain the autonomy of art, and does setting boundaries contribute to the free development of art in a limited social space?

It is not art that changes the social system, but the system does so with art, trying to deprive it of its autonomy.

Gallery name: Haus gallery

Address: Uus 17, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 11:00 - 16:00

Open: 12.05.2021 - 12.06.2021