NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

It is the first joint exhibition of these two pals, where their at a first glance different works integrate and supplement or contrast each other at their encounter.

The photographer Remigijus Treigys will present fragments from Facebook conversations‘ series „At midnight and deeper“ with Benas Šarka. As the author claims, „the artworks become independent and integrate with another interlocutor Eimis“. This time the dialogue takes part not only between obscure, „noisy“ photographic images, but as well with bright-coloured, large format gesture painting of Eimutis Markūnas. Black and white city fragments and everyday images integrate with abstract city-inspired painting artworks.

No specific place is defined in E. Markūnas‘ artworks, it is an improvisation of city colour code, the significance here is focused on the colours of moods spread by the city, documenting performed through painting expression. As the author names it, it is „a psychosomatic map of a city with the help of a colour“. In the works of R. Treigys the importance of a specific place is not ephasized, they portray somewhat recognizable, somewhere already seen signs, silhouettes of a city. These photographs are not documenting, the time capture is of utmost importance here.

Gallery name: Meno Parkas Gallery

Address: Rotušės a. 27, Kaunas

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11:00 - 18:30, Sat 11:00 - 16:00

Open: 25.07.2019 - 25.08.2019