NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Within the framework of the exhibition “Ice Cream” dedicated to the 15th birthday of Viljandi Art School, an installation will be set up in the gallery room, in which sculptural, sound and video art and a current message are intertwined. The young people of the first year of the Viljandi Art School, the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Art Compote Festival participated in compiling the exhibition.

The curators of the exhibition are Kristi Kangilaski and Laineli Parrest. Everything we do today will create our tomorrow. Our actions yesterday and today have created a situation where it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict what “tomorrow” will be like. What is our future? Can we be sure that everyday now, will last in the future?

We create our future by wanting and dreaming and making those wishes come true. The dream is desirable and tempting like ice cream. Sometimes ice cream falls unhappily on the asphalt because we didn’t hold it beautifully or melt it because we didn’t pay enough attention to eating it. Will our wishes and desires come true as we know it now, or will they melt like a polar bear in the Arctic? What can we do to keep the world in abundance?

Sometimes we feel so small and insignificant that nothing depends on us, but in reality, change can only begin with ourselves. Maybe dreaming of a bright tomorrow with your friends sipping ice cream will help you start. Maybe a small ice cream will also help nature to make a dream come true from a flower field with bees buzzing above it.

Viljandi Art School is an educational institution that operates primarily in the field of youth work and creates opportunities for acquiring hobby education in the field of art and for the diverse development of the personality. Acknowledgments: Estonian Cultural Endowment, Kadri Kallas, Sven-Erik Mändmaa, Viljandi Art School staff, teachers and students, EAA Faculty of Design students, Art Compote youth, Anna-Liisa Sääsk, Inessa Saarits

Gallery name: Rüki Gallery

Address: Tartu tn 7c, Viljandi

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 12:00 - 18:00, Sat 11:00 - 15:00 and by appointment, +372 52 89 059

Open: 12.09.2020 - 10.10.2020