NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Grisli Soppe-Kahar is currently one of the most powerful Expressionists in Estonian art. The brush strokes of her large format works are always forceful but their tonality has lately become increasingly muted. This, however, does not seem to point to negative undertones. The grotesque beings seem to be participating in some ritual or a game but the precise nature of this activity remains hermetically sealed. At the same time it cannot be completely ruled out that the absurdity on the canvases does not hide a silent cry for help.

The artist adds:Communication where you are in the background, that is overpowering, starts to oppress.Answering with the same is not constructive.Growing our nature, we can understand the reasons for the overpowering.Listening in itself does not mean approval.The fear of losing out, of belonging too much.Grisli Soppe-Kahar (sb 1990) has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in painting from the Estonian Academy of Arts. She has participated in group exhibitions in Tallinn, Pärnu and Tartu. In 2015, she participated in the Young Painter Prize in Vilnius. In 2017, Grisli and Danel Kahar had a joint exhibition “Black Moomins and Planet Earth. Flowers for the Living” in the large gallery of the Tartu Art House.Additional information:Tanel AsmerTartu Art House producerprodutsent@kunstimaja.ee5562 Art House (Vanemuise 26, Tartu, Estonia) is open Wed–Mon 12–18. Exhibitions are free of charge.The exhibitions of the Tartu Art House are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Gallery name: Tartu Art House

Address: Vanemuise 26, Tartu

Opening hours: Mon, Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 25.01.2020 - 16.02.2020