NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The entire exhibition is composed of paintings, graphics, photographs, installations and videos of Belarusian surrealists in the collection of the Museum of New Art.

The exhibition “GOOD MORNING, BELARUS” of the Pärnu Museum of New Art looks deep into the soul of the Belarusian people. And helps the awakening time in the sun get out from behind bars.

Exhibition curator Mark Soosaar Artists performing in the exhibition: Anna Silivontšik Valentina Lyakhovich Valeri Slauk Valdimir Tsesler Sergei Voichenko Andrei Chuchukin Ruslan Vashkevich

On video screens, Vladimir Tsesler sees 12 EGGS,

Ruslan Vashkevich videos PLIKA

BLACK ANGEL WITH WHITE WINGS from Mark Soosaar’s film (From Maihhail Savitsky, a classic of Belarusian painting) and interviews with young surrealists in Belarus.

Gallery name: The Museum of New Art

Address: Esplanaadi 10, Pärnu

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09:00 - 17:00

Open: 29.11.2020 - 14.02.2021