NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In December at Kaunas Artists' House (V. Putvinskio str. 56, Kaunas) will open the contemporary art exhibition "Fur Collar" curated by the artist Žilvinas Landzbergas.

A group show presented here is assembled from artists of various disciplines and different generations. The whole set of a show for limited time of the exhibition turns the gallery (white cube) space into a flat, into personal place. The connection of different artworks display aims to create one holistic experience, elates visitor to become not only a spectator but rather a storyteller, a main character himself.
A Fur Collar title derives from a thought of two element melting into one notion, symbolizing presence of a cross junction, a clash point where two natures meets- a Wild and a Human one. Isn’t it just like a constant move in a stop motion frame, a moment of ongoing transition, of becoming, transforming, changing, turning … Is it possible to become one again? To think like a sea. To be one body and one thought at the same time.
This show it is a gesture inviting to perceive a space of imagination, where presence starts to melt in to a novel, a personal tale.

Artists: Marie Aly (Germany), Ina Budrytė (Lithuania), Vaiva Čyvaitė (Lithuania), Andris Eglitis (Latvia), Audrius Janušonis (Lithuania), Aistis Kavaliauskas (Lithuania), Axel Linderholm (Sweden).

Setted by Žilvinas Landzbergas


IMPORTANT: Due to the Covid-19 physical attendance of the exhibition is not yet possible. From December 10th as the quarantine restrictions should be loosen, we hope to invite to visit the show live.


Exhibition organizer Meno Parkas Gallery

Exhibition partner” “Kaunas Artists’ House”


The exhibition is partly financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Gallery name: Meno Parkas Gallery

Address: Rotušės a. 27, Kaunas

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11:00 - 18:30, Sat 11:00 - 16:00

Open: 03.12.2020 - 18.12.2020