NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The Project Space exhibition “FinnCycling-Soumi-Perkele! Volume 2” focuses on the similarly titled video installation of the Finnish artist Martta Tuomaala. The installation consists of a video and training bikes that the visitors can use. The hour-long video looks at topical, social and ecological themes from Finland and shows them in a peculiar format: a bike training programme with hip hop songs. The video, that might at first glance seem ironic, sharply criticises politics, society and short-sighted decisions. The selection of themes is also important for the Estonian society.

About the author

Martta Tuomala (b 1983) is an inter-disciplinary artist working in Helsinki who graduated in 2014 with a master’s degree from the Aalto University. Tuomaala focuses on various film, video and installation formats and uses social and military themes. She has also often looked at the everyday life of workers, the difficulties of people and communities and the abuse of power. For many years, Tuomaala worked a low-paying job and those experiences have inspired her to create works about employee rights.

Additional information:

Curator: Julia Polujanenkova
Graphic design: Tnxalatte
Co-ordinator: Kristlyn Liier
Educational programme: Kristel Sibul

Still from the video “FinnCycling-Soumi-Perkele! Volume 2”

Gallery name: Tartu Art Museum

Address: Raekoja plats 18 , Tartu

Opening hours: Wed, Fri-Sun 11:00 - 18:00, Thu 11:00 - 20:00

Open: 17.05.2020 - 27.09.2020