NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The annual exhibition "TEMPORARY SURFACE" of the Estonian Painters' Union comments on both the place of exhibition and the changes / validity of author positions in a situation where our activities in physical space are dictated by the crown and the resulting mental depression. has many nuances of meaning (substrate, bearing surface, sound surface, support surface, plane, surface, inner surface, outer surface, image surface, etc., including that on which something is based, on which something is based, on which something is based).

Also for the Museum of New Art, the bank hall located in the former building of SEB Bank is a new temporary space. However, the “temporary surface” is also a well-observed phenomenon in the creation of every painting, both from a buccalistic and semiotic point of view. Impressions and moods extracted from the surrounding reality and the psychic sphere (or inner space) are translated into two-dimensional surfaces and color impressions in painting, in order to revive a new, so-called real life for viewers in the reception process.

In a broader sense, painting is classified as a field of activity that is sensitive to changes in the spiritual atmosphere. The exhibition can also be viewed in a social context as a self-help program for artists – to continue with the so-called traditions established in the new normality, with the most fibers. The spring of 2021 is the year of the pandemic – one can only assume whether and how the majority of painters, whose instrument is a hand holding a brush, can keep their creative form?

Due to the specifics of the room and partitions, the exhibition has a format restriction – the horizontal maximum size of the exhibited works is 110-130 cm.

Members of EML and EKL are welcome to the exhibition, as well as young artists who have not yet joined the creative unions.

Exhibition curator: Jaan Elken, Order: Tiiu Rebane,

The exhibition is supported by: Estonian Cultural Endowment, Pärnu City Government and the Ministry of Culture.

Gallery name: The Museum of New Art

Address: Esplanaadi 10, Pärnu

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09:00 - 17:00

Open: 03.05.2021 - 31.05.2021