NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

„RINGKÄENDUS“ is an interactive installation where participation of audience is unnessecary. It is even impossible. All interaction will been taken care by machines themselves, triggering each other. Five robust sound-machines are able to handle whole system. Human´s role will be reduced to passive observer.

Erik Alalooga is a performance director, performer, sound artist, teacher and cultural manager living in Tallinn, Estonia. He is mostly known by exploration and application of DIY analog-technological solutions in his artworks. Since 2005 his focus has been on immediate relationships between human and machine. His art has been exhibited and performed in Estonia, Baltic – Nordic region, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia.

Born in 1974 in Tallinn, Estonia, Alalooga studied in Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA), sculpture (BA) and interdisciplinary arts (MA). In 2018 he started doctoral studies in theatre art in Estonian Music and Theatre Academy. In 2006-2010 he worked as associated professor in interdisciplinary art chair and in 2010-2013 as head of performing art chair (former interdisciplinary art chair) in EAA where studies focused on technology as a dominating subject in creative process.

After the opening reception, visitors are very much welcome, but should call in advance to make arrangements as gallery Metropol 6m2 does not maintain regular open-door hours.(Phone: 5217649 or 53750662)

Gallery name: Metropol 6m2

Address: Vana-Kalamaja 46, Tallinn

Opening hours: Opened by appointment, 5217649, 53460556 või 53750662

Open: 28.11.2020 - 31.12.2020