NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

On 19 June Estonian Academy of Arts will open the graduation show TASE for the first time as an online exhibition. The opening will be broadcast on as well as Facebook Live channel. Instead of a regular gallery space, the works of the new fresh graduating architects, artists, and designers will be exhibited online at

TASE’20 online exhibition will show more than two hundred graduation works from the graduates of the architecture, design, fine arts, and art culture faculties. The exhibition gives a complete overview of master’s theses from all EKA specialties as well as most of the bachelor graduation works and portfolios. At the end of the summer, more graduation works will be added to the online exhibition and on 17 August the regular TASE show will open in the EKA spaces, but the online TASE will remain open as long as the internet lasts.

This year’s graduates have the advantage, compared to all previous years, to show and share their creations regardless of physical distances – to their relatives in the countryside or outside of the capital city, to the families of international graduates and potential colleagues at the other side of the world.

TASE team
Head Organiser: Pire Sova
Communications: Solveig Jahnke, Mart Vainre
Graphic Design: Robin Siimann, Elisabeth Juusu, Kersti Heile; adviser Associate Professor Indrek Sirkel web: WWW Stuudio

Supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia

Gallery name: EKA Gallery

Address: Põhja pst. 7, Tallinn

Opening hours: Tue-Sat 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 19.06.2020 - 03.07.2020