NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The group exhibition east end(s)? focuses on re-examining and reflecting on the identity and socio-psychological experiences of Eastern Europeans. Eight Estonian artists will present their works in diverse mediums, and thereby create a complex offering for an open intergenerational dialogue. We question: What does it mean to be a nation that is located and defined as being North-Eastern European? How is Estonia's identity shaped by inner and outer expectations? When will we be able to live up to the set of economic, societal and developmental standards of Western Europe or do we have the backbone to define a new path?

The exhibition takes place at Põhjala Tehas in hangar no 5. (Marati 5) 13–30 August. Open daily 12pm–6pm!
Take the trams no 1 or 2 direction Kopli from the city center to Marati station.
🥔Opening event 13 August at 7PM–9PM in the exhibition hall and after hours at


with dj Mari-Anna Miller.

Panel discussion 18 August at 6PM
Performance night 19 August at 6PM
Curatorial tours in Estonian on Tuesdays (18, 25 August) 5PM
and Sundays (16, 23, 30 August) 1PM.
Tours in Russian on Wednesdays (19, 26 August) at 5PM
and Saturdays (15, 22 and 29 August) at 1PM.
Tours in English on Thursdays (20, 27 August) at 5PM
and Saturdays (15, 22, 29 August) at 2PM.
Curator: Maria Helen Känd
Project manager: Minna Triin Kohv
Visual identity: Henri Kutsar

Eesti Kultuurkapital


Tallinna linn


Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa


Tallinna Kultuuriamet


Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts


Punch Drinks


Põhjala tehas


We thank: Helene Bosecker, Ruts Vakulenko, Rünno Mander, Margus Terasmees, Anders Härm, Kaasaegse Kunsti Eesti Keskus (KKEK), EKKM, Temnikova&Kasela galerii.Jekaterina Tšernõšova, Tiina Hallik, Tarmo Laas, Virgo Jaani, Johannes Säre, Henry Kasch, Felix Laasmäe, Kadri Känd, Elisa Johanna Känd, Kalle Känd, Tanja Känd, Lilian Hiob, Mari-Anna Miller, Riin-Kärt Ranne.
The event is for free.

Gallery name: Põhjala tehas

Address: marati 5, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 13.08.2020 - 27.08.2020