NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The present exhibition is somewhat fantastic, focuses more on the environment, the urban space and the utopian present. Just like the presence of the cosmic dark matter is revealed through gravity, the project looks at dark powers that interfere in our everyday lives and expose themselves only through their crude consequences.

„Dark Matter” is a notional continuation of “Beyond Reality” that Repnau curated in the Tartu Art House two years ago. That project approached today’s restless minds through contemporary printmaking. Repnau adds: “It’s an over-accelerated world that weaves between the absurd and the fantastical and as often as not it seems that the “flat Earth” is just the peak of the iceberg. Everything substantial is transient and immobility is only an illusion. We must capture our own presence in this oversaturated world with its endless flood of information and not lose our passionate yet tranquil sensibility.”

The exhibition is curated by Lilli-Krõõt Repnau. Artist participating: Dagne Aaremäe, Toomas Kuusing, Sidney Lepp, Silvi Liiva, Mark Antonius Puhkan, Kertu Rannula, Katarina Sarap, Helen Tago, Kadri Toom, Benjamin Vasserman.

Gallery name: Tartu Art House

Address: Vanemuise 26, Tartu

Opening hours: Mon, Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 20.09.2019 - 13.10.2019