In her latest series of works created with her own technique, the artist, who reflects on existentialism in her oeuvre, focuses more closely on the inner world and feelings of a woman living in a postmodern society. Considering the problems caused by this, Gubinienė names the loss of morality and inferiority complexes as the most sensitive issues that cause feelings of insecurity and lead to isolation.
Examining the woman’s body as a lived experience in her works, the artist interprets it as a canvas in which the signs of society and negative influences are inscribed. The totality of female forms, color spots, and other details observed in the works, turns into an authentic language of signs that can be perceived as a reflection of society: the disappearance of values, alienation, egocentrism. The dominant color pink refers to the naivety, immaturity, or instantaneous playfulness of the personality. It is a way to visualize the relationship with the changing space to which the characters created by the artist adapt by illustrating certain phenomena: celebration, circus, behind the scenes of life, secret desires, fears, and a libertine way of life focused on pleasure or selfish desires. This is how the changing moods of characters or viewers who recognize themselves in them are revealed. It is the confusion, frustration, egocentrism, or overcome phobias experienced at various stages of life that are replaced by festive elevation. All this turns into emotional interferences that prevent the normal flow of everyday life.
Simona Bagdonaitė Gubinienė earned a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in graphic arts at Šiauliai University. She is a member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association. Previously, the artist has created and presented several series of graphic artworks: Actors’ Wanderings (screen printing), Carnival of Life (screen printing), Circus Behind the Scenes (woodcut), Beach (drypoint).
The exhibition is part of the gallery’s creative program, funded by the Lithuanian Artists’ Association and Lithuanian Council for Culture.
Gallery name: Arka Gallery
Address: Aušros vartu str. 7, LT, Vilnius
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 12:00 - 19:00, Sat 12:00 - 16:00
Open: 04.03.2021 - 27.03.2021