NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

On Frieday 24th of July at 5pm, Anne Roolaht will open her exhibition COME TO THE WOODS. GO TO THE WOODS. BE IN THE WOODS. IN THE WOODS. With the exhibition, Roolaht calls to offer attention to the companion species of humans. The exhibition will be on display until 15 August.

Anne Roolaht: The woods and its creatures are a part of us, they are our kin – we cannot do without them. We have to care for our close ones. During the recent years, I have dedicated my jewellery to the protection of endangered species. Wolves, white-tailed eagles, bears, deer, flying squirrels and other animals are represented in my works because I want to bring them to attention, to protect them in my own fashion. With this exhibition, I present new works of silver jewellery with precious stones. To accompany the jewellery, I am presenting my graduation work tutored by Heinz Valk – a cast bronze table. From the same period, but already after the graduation from the Academy of Arts, I am displaying etched nickel silver brooches.
I have prepared this exhibition with great joy. Of course, the creative process has included distress and arguing with myself, but altogether it has been an exciting walk. 🐾
Anne Roolaht (1959) studied jewellery at the Estonian Academy of Arts in the years 1984 – 1989. Anne says that she always makes jewellery with joy, and you can feel it. She also teaches at Viimsi art school, and finds it magnificent.
Anne Roolaht has participated in exhibitions in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, England and Ireland since 1988. Her jewellery is worn all over the world.

Gallery name: A-Gallery

Address: Hobusepea 2, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 11:00 - 16:00

Open: 24.07.2020 - 15.08.2020