NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Renowned artist Sirje Petersen primarily deals with man and humanity in her work. In her paintings we meet reflections of the inner world of man, where figure and color play an important role as a means of expression. By purifying the painting of superfluous details, adding perceptible nuances from personal experience, she achieves a multidimensionality in her work, which has become almost an abstraction.

There is a thin thread between chaos and order. A fragile is a thread that holds together in fluctuating currents and leads toward a goal. This is a thread that may break in the wind. A thread that can hold people together. Such a thread may be invisible. The thread may obscure the view. The thread that will send you through life! S.P.

Sirje Petersen is a laureate of the Audience Award of the 19th Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Artists ‘Union and a nominee for the Konrad Mägi Painting Award in 2019. Petersen has made more than 60 solo exhibitions, including the last in Toompea Castle Art Hall (2020) and Pärnu City Gallery Artists’ House (2019). She has appeared in many group and review exhibitions both in Estonia and in Europe. Sirje Petersen works as a co-professor at the Art College of Pallas.

Gallery name: Haus gallery

Address: Uus 17, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 11:00 - 16:00

Open: 12.05.2021 - 12.06.2021