NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Six Boats of Unearthed Memories, 2023

300 x 180 cm

Metal, textile, vegetable tanned leather, other materials

“Six Boats of Unearthed Memories” which is initially forming a single integral form, is a meeting place of numerous experiences, gradually opening up into six acts of Estonian and Eastern Europe’s history. The collection deals with the cultural memory that has been experienced by nearly six generations of people of the forementioned region, from the present day to the reign of Alexander II of Russia. On the Swedish island of Gotland, there’s a custom of leaving unusable old boats to decay on the coast, honouring the boat for its merits. Once an archeologist Dr. Mirja Arnshav from Stockholm University found a boat that was different from other boats fading away on the coastline. Meanwhile she discovered that there were more, similar to the one she found. After a closer inspection of their design she understood that many of those boats weren’t Swedish. These were the abandoned boats that had made the journey from Estonia in 1944. The boat, a central motif in this work, is a metaphor for our failing society. We cannot keep our promises to create a system to alleviate injustice and assist those in need. The work was exhibited at the Tallinn Art Hall during EKA Tase’23 graduation show.