NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Non Mors, 2019

15 x 115 cm

Polaroid, puit, pleksiklaas A diary presented in Polaroid form in the creation of my persona Non Mors. 1) “My first time with a Fetisso latex mask in my Vienna’s bedroom. – October 22, 2019” 2) “Chrysanthemums only radiate unknown beauty that long ago healed wounds. On the set of the video installation too too close. Photo: Hanna-Liisa Lavonen – June 26, 2020” 3) “I’ve been at home for eight months, either waste my time or I’m being successful. – November 17, 2020” 4) “When one ordinary friend meets another ordinary friend. – September 2, 2023” 5) “The plan is not to return to school yet, but I will finish writing my thesis this Saturday. The designer, editor, and translator have accepted the collaboration offer. – August 23, 2020” 6) “We would have spent those summer days under the palms, but here within four walls, we managed just fine. – November 29, 2020”

Foto: Kaisa Maasik / Photo: Kaisa Maasik

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