Digital collage, printed inside a ready-made album.
The artist´s comment on the artwork:
““Frozen Footprints Inside Estonia” is an artist’s book with inside digitally constructed collages of images that I have collected online over the course of my Erasmus in Estonia. For me this was the first time in my life that I had been away from home for such a long time. When you spend that much time in a foreign place you will see yourself transform from a tourist to an inhabitant. You will exchange your explorative attitude for your normal, everyday behaviour.
Often when people go on a vacation they make a photo album of their adventures. It is a creative activity that is often meant only for the owner to relive and share their vacations inside friendly circles. Companies provide easy services centred around utilizing personal photographs to print a ready-made object. My artist’s book pokes fun at the “photo album”. It undoes the book from the self-centred and personal presentation to comment on the ever growing digital presence of our post-internet society. By just going online and collecting my footsteps I can make a representation that captures the feel of a year-long experience through the aesthetics of a computer desktop. It explores new forms of story telling where the viewer can have a voyeuristic look into conversations and documents, interpreting and piecing together the captured life of a student entering Estonia.
They are compiled together in such a way that they seem to fuse into each other. Just like our memories they become vague and fragmented, leaving some things to surface and other things to be buried away.”