NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Centurio senex, 2022

20 x 15 cm

This sculpture is part of my graduate thesis, series of miniatures “Res publica animalium sentientium” (republic of all sentient creatures). The idea behind the sculpture is that there is a disharmony between the field of culture and the field of science, which has enabled the formation of a narrative that subdues nature to the will of a human. As a result of this narrative, man has separated from nature and has a become a threat to all other living systems. The most easily relatable victims of that narrative are animals, which humans can perceive only through their own description of them , not as a part from a holistic system. My sculptures depict the animals disfigured by that narrative and their desponded state of being in the world of a human. This work has been on exhibitions “ Graduates of 2022”(2022) and “Canned materia”(2022)

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Giraffa camelopardalis by Olger Lehtsaar
Giraffa camelopardalis  
30 x 15 cm