NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Burning man, 2022

By Eve Kruuse
180 x 120 cm

Õli, lõuend

Sometimes there is luck and life is so generous that it gives true, all-forgetting and all-forgiving love. And you burn with a bright flame.

Sometimes everything goes wrong, you’re tired to the last limit, you don’t have an ounce of mental strength left, but like an old iron rune, you carry on because that’s how it is, it’s necessary, that’s how it should be, everyone expects it from you by default. And you burn with a bright flame.

Sometimes the world changes beyond recognition, it is full of stupidity, hatred, death. Your attempt to change it is nothing but a miserable pity. And you burn with a bright flame.

Until the next time you are gifted with love. To then burn with a bright flame.

The work has been exhibited at two exhibitions:

XXIX international exhibition MAN AND WOMAN: UNI, Pärnu New Art Museum 2022

The annual exhibition of the Union of Estonian Painters “Love story”, Pärnu New Art Museum 2022

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Mixed media

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