NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

An unfortunate incident with a tea, 2024

By Gerth Kuusk
124 x 74 cm

Different markers, acrylic markers, acrylic on canvas

Chance and luck tend to play a crucial role in life. Sometimes it even seems to be the main thing that shapes us as people. There’s a lot of randomness in our lives that is in a constant daily battle with the desire to control and manage your life.

“An unfortunate incident with a tea” was one of the paintings in Gerth Kuusk first solo exhibition “Kummardus kaosele / Bow to chaos” that took place 2024 in ArtDepoo. It can be described as a vigorous explosion of color and form. Kind of an ode to random occasions where the artist puts the creation of his two children on the podium, portraying their abstract, carefree and spontaneous style as visual chaos and mixes it with his own technique.

Authors are the artist Gerth Kuusk (b. 1983), his son Klaus Johan Kuusk (b. 2020) and his daughter Hilde Johanna Kuusk (b. 2022).

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Variables (7/44) by Gerth Kuusk
Variables (7/44)  
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Variables (8/44) by Gerth Kuusk
Variables (8/44)  
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