NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Viktor Sundman Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Viktor Sundman is a Finnish artist whose practice focuses on installations, readymades, sculptures, and language within the framework of late capitalism. His work explores the transformation of everyday objects and spaces, creating new connections and meanings through acts of reading, writing, modifying, and redesigning. By working with objects, he seeks to conjure neurotic and obsessional imagery, drawing attention to the intersection of the universal and the personal.

His artistic process often involves reproductions of reproductions, accelerating the repetition of these objects to explore their lost aura. Through modifications and displacements, the objects’ meanings shift, yet remnants such as ghost images, traces of desire, and projected histories of usage remain. This creates a tension between the familiar and the obscure, reflecting themes of reification and estrangement.

His work investigates how the process of displacement or re-situating alters the significance of objects, highlighting the relationship between art, everyday life, and the systems that influence our understanding of both.


untitled (trauerspiel) by Viktor Sundman
untitled (trauerspiel)  
100 x 100 cm

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